OpenBuildings GenerativeComponents Help


It is all about Points. Almost every node is dependent on Points. Points are the basis of the geometry you will create. OpenBuildings™ GenerativeComponents stores the relationships between points in the geometry you create, so often you will use points to control your model.

Exercise: Creating a New Node

  1. From the OpenBuildings™ GenerativeComponents Placde Geometry toolbox select the (Point) tool.
    By default this is a Point ByCartesianCoordinates..
  2. Place the point in the view by pressing the left mouse button. The point is placed in the drawing view and its node appears in the Graph view. The CoordinateSystem input is automatically attached to the baseCS node.
  3. Select the (Move Node) tool.
    In the status bar, the prompts Move > Identify element appears.
  4. Use the left mouse button and select the XY-plane indicator.
    By clicking on the plane indicator movement of the point is restricted to the XY-plane.
  5. Right click to cancel the move.
  6. Select Move Node again and this time select the cyan line and point.
    By clicking here movement of the point is restricted to the Z axis.
    Note: When you select a node to move, the Node Coordinates dialog opens.